Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mr. Crankypants!

Isaac woke up crying this morning and our day continued with that mood. He is getting a cold and was clingy all day. When he's in moods like this he gets super clumsy and fell a bunch so to save the day I gave him a bandaid which is what he is proudly showing off in the above picture.
Today was finally cold here, in the 20s, so we stayed inside all day and played as much as little man's mood would allow. Dh came home from work at naptime and off I went to my Dr appointment which went very well. :)
After nap the day continued to be not so happy for Isaac. He was so pitiful and I hate it when he feels this bad but he tries so hard not to be cranky.
And here's my belly pic of the day for little brother :)


  1. Poor boy :( He looks like he will be tall!

    P.S. I love his name!

  2. Aww, I hope he had a better day today.
